TOJNED - Volume 1 - Issue 3 - July 2011
Ramadan EYYAM, Ä°pek MENEVÄ°Åž, Nazan DOÄžRUER
Abstract: One of the most important aspects of today s education is the learning styles of students since their success is dependant to the way they learn best. This can be achieved by understanding their individual differences and considering this in their education. When teachers become aware of different learning styles and the way they learn best, their teaching will highly benefit from this. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the learning styles of prospective teachers in different Departments in the Faculty of Education such as Turkish Language Teaching, Guidance and Psychological Counselling, Pre-school Teacher Education, and Computer and Instructional Technology Teacher Education at Eastern Mediterranean University during the Academic Year 2009-2010 Spring Semester. Prospective teachers have been asked to complete a Learning Styles Inventory. The data was analysed by using SPSS Statistical Program. It is found that there were differences in the learning styles of prospective teachers according to their Departmental choices and students from Departments with similar subjects have similar dominant styles.
Abstract: When the music policies during the first years of Republic are considered, it is seen that the discussions about the quality of Turkish contemporary music was supported by Ataturk s views. More focus was on polyphony and monophony; therefore, the studies were more focused on these policies. The most comprehensive study related with the music education policies was the report written and published in 1961 by the National Education Council Fine Arts Committee. This research has addressed the consistency of the republic period s music education policies in the perspectives of monophony and polyphony. Therefore; the present research aimed to investigate monophony and polyphony concepts, which act as parts of republic period s public education. Within the scope of the research, to determine the views about polyphonic and monophonic music, content analysis has been performed to identify the principles of polyphony and monophony in music education. The data obtained as a result of content analyses were analyzed with respect to the aims of the research, around the concepts of monophony and polyphony. The results have revealed that the report comparing monophony and polyphony includes several positive remarks. The negative remarks regarding the rate of monophony reveals that the report s general tendency is by polyphony. It is found that the components of monophony and polyphony and educational policies are almost equally consistent with each other.
Abstract: Assessment is an important part of early childhood education system. Changes in theoretical issues, increasing emphasis on interventions in early childhood and growing influences of parental concerns foster early childhood educators to use more trendy assessment techniques in early years (Gredler, 2000). In the current paper, assessment strategies of four early childhood education models including High Scope, Montessori, Waldorf and Project approach are reviewed. In addition to this review, Turkish Ministry of National Education (MONE) Curriculum is also examined in order to determine similarities and differences among these different curricula. A review of the different curriculum models revealed that apart from High Scope curriculum model, other three curriculum models and MONE curriculum do not provide well defined guidelines to assess development of young children.
Işıl Güneş MODIRI
Abstract: The education contains a long process. During this long process negative behaviors can be seen in students along with positive ones. One of these undesirable behaviors is “academic dishonesty†that comprises behaviors as cheating and plagiarism. It is accepted that fine arts teacher candidates are different from other teaching programs candidates because of their artistic moods and do not give importance to the lessons that are based on written evaluation as much as art lessons that are based on artistic performance. In this study has been quest an answer for question of “Is there any difference between academic dishonesty tendencies of fine arts teacher candidates and classroom teacher candidates?â€. The 2nd grade students (n=44+33+60=137) that study in the Music and Art Education programs and Classroom Education program of Karadeniz Technical University, constitute the universe of the study. This research is a survey. As a data collection tool, for determine of students academic dishonesty tendencies, “Academic Dishonesty Tendencies Scale†that has been improved by EminoÄŸlu (2009) has been used. Obtained data has been statistically analyzed by SPSS software program. At the end of study, the difference of academic dishonesty tendencies between fine arts teacher candidates and classroom teacher candidates have been determined, compared and some suggestions have been made according to the research results..
Dr. Valerio De ROSSI, Assist. Prof. Dr. Fahriye A. AKSAL, Assist. Prof. Dr. Zehra A. GAZI, Prof. Dr. Aytekin Ä°ÅžMAN
Abstract: The learning process in action research provides the means to create knowledge by involving colleagues in negotiation and mediating of knowledge accumulated through multiple perspectives and dialogue. Therefore, the collaborative effort of the colleagues for change oriented actions and improvement of working practices is significant within the work context. The purpose of the study is to report on the reflections and learning of colleagues taken from work based research projects within an action research process in order to understand how those processes contributed to construct knowledge and professional development. The notion of lifelong learning and continuing professional development shows the significance of conducting action researches to enhance learning of others and learning from others in work settings. In this respect, it is essential to determine the importance of data collection techniques in action research processes. Qualitative research methods, including researcher diary and notes and personal observations as professionals, were used to reveal the impact of negotiation, reflection and collaborative efforts on co-constructing knowledge in improving the working practices through action research process. Experiences and reflections of the professionals were analyzed thematically and triangulated. Findings revealed that negotiation and reflection are the essential elements for constructing knowledge within the constructivist paradigm for professional learning. In addition, action research plays the important role of embracing the colleagues collaborative efforts and mutual engagement for change oriented actions within the work places, with the aim to improve the working practices.
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