9 TOJSAT-The Online Journal of Science and Technology

TOJNED - Volume 1 - Issue 4 - October 2011

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Gökhan Baş

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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of project-based learning on students academic achievement and attitudes towards English lesson of 9th grade students. The research was carried out in 2010–2011 education-instruction year in a high school in Nigde, Turkey. Totally 60 students in two different classes in the 9th grade of this school participated in the study. The pre- and post-test control group research model was used in this study. The data obtained in the study were analysed by the computer programme SPSS 17.0. The arithmetic means and standard deviations were calculated for each group. In order to test the significance between the groups, the independent samples t-test was used. The significance level was taken as .05 in the research. The results of the research showed a significant difference between the attitude scores of the experiment group and the control group. On the other hand, it was also found out that project-based learning was more effective in the positive development of the students academic achievement levels. At the end of the research, it was revealed that the students who were educated by project-based learning was more successful and had higher attitude levels towards the lesson than the students who were educated by the instruction based on student textbooks.

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Rita Baleiro

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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present a definition of literary literacy in the context of majors in languages, literatures and cultures, in Portugal. A definition of literary literacy was deduced from a content analysis of primary data sources and from the theoretical underpinnings of the transactional theory of reading. The primary data sources are fourteen Portuguese and English literature syllabuses from four Portuguese universities (Lisboa, Nova, Coimbra and Porto) and twelve interviews with Portuguese university lecturers of literature. Based on the findings of a content analysis of both syllabuses and interviews, from the lecturers point of view, a literary literate student doing a major in languages, literatures and cultures must, above all, be able to contextualize literary texts and their authors both historically and culturally, must be able to present an interpretation as a coherent text, and must be able to do and organize bibliographical research.

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Hallstein Hegerholm

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Abstract: Portfolio assessment is a form of evaluation, which is in increasing use in Europe. The use of digital portfolio supports flexible forms of education and learning. The use of portfolio is various and divided in different countries. This study focuses on the process of developing and use of portfolio in the subject of ICT and learning in the distributed teacher education at Nesna University College. The process is founded on theoretical influence of socio-cultural theories, teachers experiences and students preferences and achievement. The development and use of portfolio is based on an ongoing evaluation process, which is formulated as "Guidelines of portfolio assessment".

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Beste Sakallı

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Abstract: Considering the good relationship of entrepreneurship with the economy, it is very clear that the countries should pay a great deal attention to entrepreneurship education and be careful about the approaches and policies they implement regarding the issue. At this point, as a high school teacher caring about education and considering the role of entrepreneurship, it was not surprising to start my research journey by asking whether there is an entrepreneurship education in vocational and technical high schools in Northern Cyprus and how relevant it is to the context of Northern Cyprus and if not relevant how it could be improved. Having searched on the matter, I have found out that entrepreneurship is taught as an elective lesson at grade 10 students. It is one of the courses under the professional development courses. Entrepreneurship module is the material of the course and it has been developed through the project of Vocational and Technical Education System Project (MEGEP).Analysing the current entrepreneurship module with the purpose of seeing how relevant it was to the Northern Cyprus environment, I have found out that although general descriptions are discussed, the main focus in the module was on the entrepreneurship in Turkey. So, it needed to be redesigned to make it more workable for the unique environment of Northern Cyprus. Thus I have defined the title of this project as an investigation to improve entrepreneurship module in vocational and technical high schools in Northern Cyprus.The main aim of the project is to identify the needs of the entrepreneurship module that is taught at vocational and technical schools in North Cyprus and to develop a framework to teach entrepreneurship effectively. First of all the project will try to do a need analysis for the entrepreneurship module. The data will be collected from teachers, students and experts, and a framework will be formed with the light of this output. After designing the new framework, the module will be taught at the vocational and technical high schools for one semester. At the end of this semester, the teachers suggestions, ideas will be taken and the recommendations will be done. Thus the aim of this project is to see the combination of theory and practice at the same time, collect data form the real situation and contact with the people who are directly related to this subject. Action Plan methodology will be used in this project as it includes improvement, its nature to combine theory and practice and its benefits to my professional growth and development. In order to do it, the data will be collected from grade 12 students of vocational and technical high schools, subject teachers of entrepreneurship module, the members of the committee (who approved the teaching of the module), the chair of department of the School of Computing and Technology at Eastern Mediterranean University and the top executives of the civil society organizations such as Cyprus Turkish Building Contractors Association, Union of the Chambers of Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects, Cyprus Turkish Union of Bank Employees, Cyprus Turkish Accounting Union, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Industry, State Planning Office. The project is important as it will not only include and collect theoretical data, but also will include practical data regarding entrepreneurship as well. This project is significant for the Ministry of Education and Culture as it will determine the needs of the current entrepreneurship module and restructure it in the context of vocational and technical schools in North Cyprus. It also will map the policy makers and experts of the ministry. The findings of the project will be a light for the experts to form and implement new policies regarding the entrepreneurship education in vocational and technical high schools based on North Cyprus context. The re-structured module will satisfy the needs of the students and teachers, and will create more beneficial learning environment for entrepreneurship as the students and teachers as main actors will be involved in the project.

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Assit.Prof.Dr. Nilgün TOSUN, Teacher M. Fatih BARIŞ

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Abstract: Continuous developments in education technologies are accompanied by diversity of methods and applications in education. The process starting with computer-assisted learning is now in a different dimension via increasing internet possibilities. Another important factor in this issue is that learnercentred approach has been accepted widely and become widespread. Transition from portfolio to eportfolio is one of the current examples to be given about changing process in education technology. The approach which places learners and assignments at the centre has turned into a ―learner work file‖ or in other words ―portfolio‖ format through developing. Portfolio is a big assignment and study collection where a learner collects his studies. The concept of ―e-portfolio‖ has replaced portfolio as information and communication technologies have become main components in education. In this study, information will be given about types of e-portfolio and using them in education.

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