TOJNED - Volume 13 - Issue 3 - July 2023
Education has an important place in human life. Education of women also has an important role to cultural development in a society. In this study, it will be discussed the education of women and the systems of education which changed from Tanzimat to Turkish Republic. In doing this, it will be mentioned both education of women in the main land and in Cyprus during the Ottoman period. The Ottomans came to Cyprus in 1571. Between 1878 and 1960 the island of Cyprus was administered by United Kingdom and, in this period there were many regulations in education like in all other areas. Therefore, the education of Turkish Cypriot women can be divided into two periods; Ottoman Empire and United Kingdom period. The method of the study is literature review, so the study is based on historical research.
Emine KAVAZ, Melek KILINÇ, Azmiye YINAL
The aim of this study is to examine middle school students' attitudes towards science course. This study is a quantitative research. Science Attitude Scale was used as a data collection tool in the study. The population of this study consists of secondary school students in a school in TRNC. The sample of the study of 70 students. The study data were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 program.
At the end of the study, it is seen that 57.1% of the students "strongly disagree" with the statement "I would be happy if the topics in science lessons were reduced". This shows that students are dissatisfied with the reduction of topics in science courses. In addition, 2.9% of the students "strongly agree" with the statements "Science is one of my favorite subjects", "I like science the most among the subjects" and "If possible, I would take another subject instead of science". This shows that students have a positive attitude towards science and that they like or prefer science courses. These rates reflect students' attitudes towards science. The proportions of students' negative or positive responses to some statements can be evaluated to understand their attitudes towards science. This information can be an source for understanding how science is perceived among students and students' attitudes towards science. It was tested whether the difference between the groups according to gender was significant or not and it was seen that the difference between the groups according to gender was not significant. It was tested whether the difference between the groups according to the class variable was significant or not and it was seen that the difference between the groups according to the class variable was not significant.
Aytekin ISMAN, Houda El MRASSNI
Despite the growing popularity of social media platforms in Morocco, more was needed to know about the factors influencing the adoption of Facebook as an innovative communication tool in the country. This study aimed to identify why Moroccans adopted the Facebook platform as a primary communication tool and how they used it for their personal and professional communication needs. The diffusion of innovation theory by Rogers (1962) would provide a framework for recognizing the elements that affect the adoption and spread of Facebook as a communication tool in Morocco.
A qualitative study design was used for the purpose of this study, using semi-structured interviews to collect and analyze data from a sample of Facebook platform users in Morocco as well as allowing for an in-depth exploration of the factors influencing the adoption of the Facebook platform and the motivations behind users' adoption and use of the platform. It also explored the factors influencing the diffusion of the Facebook platform as an innovative communication tool in Morocco, specifically focusing on user adoption and motivations. Knowing that Facebook platform has gained popularity rapidly over the past decade in Morocco, becoming the most popular social networking site in the society.
The study was expected to discover that convenience, socialization, and cultural values play a significant role in the diffusion of the Facebook platform in Morocco. Also, it revealed that Moroccans adopted the Facebook platform for various purposes, including personal and professional networking, socializing, and keeping up with current events. The findings are employed in comprehending the variables in adopting creative messaging devices in Morocco, which has important implications for businesses and organizations utilizing the Facebook platform for communication and marketing so that businesses and organizations could better tailor their communication strategies to meet the targeted audience's needs.
The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between human resources and mobbing in enterprises and to determine the perceptions of HR practices on mobbing. The study was conducted with the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods. The population of the study consisted of 320 people working in the private sector in TRNC and the sample consisted of 222 people who could be reached and answered the questionnaires at the level that could be used. In the study, socio-demographic information form, Human Resources Practices Scale and Mobbing (Psychological Violence) Scale were used to collect data. The data were analysed using SPSS 28.00 statistical analysis software. Frequency, mean, standard deviation statistics were used.
At the end of this research, it is seen that the HR practices perception scores of male participants are higher than female participants. It should be noted that the relationship is also significant. It is also seen that it does not affect the perceptions of HR practices. It is seen that the marital status variable does not affect the perceptions of HR practices. When the arithmetic averages are analysed, it is seen that the scores of single participants are higher than the scores of married participants with a small difference. In the study, it was observed that gender variable did not affect mobbing perception. When the airtmatic averages are analysed, it is seen that the mobbing perception of female participants is higher than that of male participants. It is seen that the perception of mobbing does not change according to the age of the participants; therefore, the mobbing perception of all age groups is similar to each other.It is seen that HR practice perceptions have a statistically positive effect on mobbing perception. In this case, it can be said that HR practices have a positive effect on the perception of mobbing applied in the organisation.
Melek ARİFOĞLU, Hüseyin OLGAN, Azmiye YINAL
The aim of this study is to determine the realization forms of mobbing events that women are exposed to, by whom the mobbing is carried out and the effects of the event on the mobbing victim; At the same time, it is the examination of mobbing perceptions of female employees who are victims of mobbing in the workplace. In the study, qualitative research method was preferred in order to capture the details of mobbing incidents, which are thought to be relatively difficult to statistic within the framework of quantitative research, and to determine mobbing perceptions by enabling mobbing victims to convey their experiences with their own words. In this context, 23 female employees who have different positions and seniority in various sectors in the town of Nicosia in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and who stated that they are victims of mobbing in the workplace were selected by snowball sampling method and semi-structured interviews were conducted with these female employees. Afterwards, the interview records were analyzed in detail and the codes, categories and themes were determined; Accordingly, the similar and divergent aspects of mobbing experiences, the effects they experienced and mobbing perceptions of female employees participating in the research were interpreted by revealing. According to the findings obtained within the scope of the research, mobbing for office workers emerges as a very common problem that can lead to serious negative consequences. Mobbing, which is a type of psychological violence or bullying that is carried out systematically and for months and in some cases for years, in order to incapacitate the person in the workplace or to force him to leave the job; It can reduce employee performance by destroying employee motivation and health, lead to loss of productivity and resources in the workplace, create a toxic atmosphere within the organization, cause the organization and/or organizational managers to lose their reputation, and cause qualified employees to leave the job. In the research, the findings that the protective, preventive and deterrent mechanisms against mobbing are often ignored by mobbing perpetrators were also noteworthy. On the other hand, although the positions of the perpetrators who apply mobbing to the interviewees vary and the perpetrators are not always managers, all of the victims clearly stated that they think that the managers of the workplace where they work are responsible for preventing mobbing. Accordingly, the overlapping aspects of the findings with the upper-level theory were also tried to be interpreted.
Emine Aksoy, Münüre Gökbörü, Azmiye Yınal
Organizational loneliness is an undesirable situation that occurs due to the lack of satisfactory social relationships between individuals at work. Loneliness at work prevents communication between employees and leads to undesirable results for the individual and the organization. Job satisfaction is the positive evaluations made by the individual towards his/her job and he/she enjoys his/her job. The importance of high job satisfaction for organizations is due to the fact that it strengthens the competitiveness of the organization by increasing organizational success. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of employees' organizational loneliness perceptions on their job satisfaction levels. The population of the study consists of employees working in public and private sector organizations throughout Turkey. According to the findings obtained as a result of the research, organizational loneliness has a significant and negative effect on job satisfaction. In other words, as employees' perceptions of loneliness increase, their job satisfaction decreases. In addition, in this study, when the concept organizational loneliness and job satisfaction, which are extremely important for businesses, are examined in terms of demographic variables, differences were found between the averages.
Roushdy Al-Shawwa, Rodolfo Cossovich, Yinmiao Li, Jace Hargis
At the beginning of the pandemic, universities implemented a variety of learning modalities to offer learning experiences. Many approaches attempted to help students who may have difficulties attending classes on-campus. The university implemented a mixed-mode (MM) approach to teaching and learning. The aim of this research is to operationalize, share outcomes and connect MM to the literature and practice. The research aims at providing a better understanding of how the model impacts the academic experience in the perspective of the faculty and students. A course using a MM of delivery is one that is delivered in a combination of online and on-campus instruction. In MM, students who are in an on-campus class can communicate with students in an online class via teleconferencing, allowing them to collaborate with each other and engage in the course material with each other. Ultimately, most faculty did not use the sophisticated technology purchased to support the mixed-mode approach. Through many conversations between colleagues, students and IT staff, it was clear that the majority of the faculty ranked their preference for instruction as F2F as the most preferred; online teaching second; and at a distant third, mixed-mode.
Ye Tian
Purpose – This paper theorises how international PhD student community of certain language group in the UK use self-organised activity as a way of horizontalized pedagogy to enhance their study and well-being during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. It introduces the “Chinese Translation and Interpreting PhD Forum” as one such activity and explores its impact on participants.
Methodology – The paper is a case study of the Forum. The case is analysed by two major ways: The former theoretically constructs the case in concern, which not only highlights the importance of peer-learning as a pedagogy in PhD learning experience, but compares and signifies how the practice concerned in this paper is different from other activities, especially peer-mentor schemes and reading groups. The latter part of the paper is a qualitative analysis based on the feedback from participants. It reveals how participants actually think peer-learning, mental support, and community-building functions of the activity.
Findings – The result shows that while the effort in community building and online organisation is a success, PhD students are not necessarily interested in involving in a broad range of topics, especially those different from their area of expertise, even within the same discipline. Meanwhile, despite the initial intention of mental support, participants seem to be less impressed by this particular function. Finally, the use of their native language is considered to be less significant, compared with the original hypothesis.
Originality – The paper provides an alternative model for PhD training, especially on top of the traditional supervisor-PhD power hiarachy. The model also provides solutions for low-quality and less-motivated peer-learning activities like peer-mentor scheme and too-demanding activities like reading group.
Gülden BOZAT, Azmiye YINAL
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of social responsibility in human resource management. This study was conducted with the relational survey model, which is one of the quantitative research methods. The population of the study resources of 310 people working in human departments in various sectors of private enterprises in TRNC and the sample of 108 participants. At the end of the research, it was determined that the difference between the groups according to gender and marital status of the Social Responsibility in Human Resources Scale sub-dimension scores was not significant.
It was determined that the difference between the groups according to the marital status of the Social Responsibility in Human Resources Scale sub-dimension scores was not significant. In this case, it can be said that married and single participants' perceptions of social responsibility in human resources are similar to each other. It was determined that some sub-dimension scores of the Social Responsibility in Human Resources Scale differed significantly between groups according to age. Participants aged 43 and above were found to have higher perceptions of remuneration practices, harmonization of employees to the work environment, moral social responsibility, economic social responsibility, and legal social responsibility than the others. In addition, it was found that those with 1-5 years of professional seniority had higher perceptions of selection and placement; career planning and harmonization of employees to the work environment than those with other professional seniority; those with more than 15 years of professional seniority had higher perceptions of compensation performance evaluation; employee and employer relations; moral social responsibility; economic social responsibility; voluntary social responsibility; legal social responsibility than those with other professional seniority.
Hakan AŞIK, Azmiye YINAL
This study, which examines the effect of mobbing on employee performance in working life, was conducted using the relational screening model, one of the quantitative research methods. The universe of the study consists of personnel working in banks in TRNC. 120 employees were included in the study. The scale method was used to collect data in the study. The scale form used in data collection consists of 3 parts. In the first part, there are questions to determine demographic characteristics (gender, age, marital status and professional seniority). In the second part, questions about mobbing behaviors and in the third part, questions about employee performance are included. When the results of the analysis conducted in this study, which examines the effect of mobbing on employee performance in working life, are examined by gender, "restriction of self-disclosure and communication opportunities" and "attack on quality of life and professional status". It was observed that there was a relationship between the dimensions of ”. Accordingly, it was seen that male participants scored higher than female participants in terms of both self-disclosure and restriction of communication opportunities, as well as in terms of quality of life and assault on professional status. It is seen that there is a relationship between marital status and attacks on social relations and attacks on health. According to this, it was seen that the scores of the married participants in the dimensions of attack on social relations and health were higher than the single participants. It was observed that there was a relationship between professional seniority and social relations, social reputation and attack dimensions. There was also a relationship between professional seniority and employee performance. According to this, it was seen that the performance of those with a professional seniority of 1-5 years, 6-10 years and 15 years or more was higher than those with less than 1 year of professional seniority.
Murat ASLAN, Azmiye YINAL
This study aims to examine the effect of transformational leadership on strategic management. Transformational leadership and strategic management are very important issues. It is seen that successful companies attach great importance to these concepts. Even normal companies may face bad results if they do not take these factors into consideration. In this study, these factors are reviewed in detail. In this study, a total of 403 people were surveyed in Zirve Map Construction Engineering Company in Istanbul and Lokman Pharmaceutical Warehouse in Antalya. SPSS28 package programs were used for analysis. Frequency and frequency percentage values, confirmatory factor analysis, cronbach alpha coefficients were used. The normal distribution of variables was checked with skewness and kurtosis values. The relationships between variables were examined by Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression analyzes.
Niyazi Sertel, Münüre Gökbörü, Azmiye Yınal
The main purpose of this research is to determine whether perceived organizational justice has an effect on positive organizational behavior. The research is a quantitative research and was conducted with the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research techniques. The universe of the study consists of 700 people working in the private sector in the TRNC. The sample of the study consisted of 470 people who could be reached in the study and answered the scale questions. In the study, “Perceived Organizational Justice Scale” developed by Niehoff and Moorman (1991) and Luthans et al. (2007) “Positive Organizational Behavior Scale” was used. Analyzes were analyzed using the SPSS 28.0 program. At the end of the research, it is understood that the perceived organizational justice and positive organizational behavior levels of the participants are high. In addition, perceptions of interactional justice and procedural justice, which are sub-dimensions of perceived organizational justice, are high; It is understood that the distribution justice perceptions are at a moderate level. Self-efficacy, hope, resilience and optimism perceptions, which are the sub-dimensions of positive organizational behavior, were found to be high.
Evren DEGIRMENCIOGLU, Zeynep BURUK, Halil İbrahim KURT, Azmiye YINAL
The intensely competitive market and the technology developing with the use of the internet have shifted the traditional market to digital marketing strategies. Today, digital marketing has spread to a wide area. Digital marketing helps us to discover the business model that reduces cost and expands business globally by using digital technologies in a highly competitive market. Today, customers find digital marketing much safer than traditional marketing, as they are more satisfied with online shopping than traditional shopping. Digital marketing allows customers to review and compare product information offered by companies. Accordingly, customers enjoy the freedom to choose and order products at any time, 24/7 and wherever they are. Updated technologies and the increase in internet usage increase the interconnectedness of consumers day by day. As a result, consumer behavior is changing. This research study analyzes the impact of digital marketing on consumer buying behavior. As a result, traditional marketing will shift more towards digital marketing in the near future.
Bahar Kaplan Yurteri, Gülsen Fırat, Gülzade Hayta, Azmiye YINAL
The universe of this research was composed of 315 teachers working in private schools in Nicosia districts in the TRNC in the 2022-2023 academic year. The sample consisted of 141 teachers who were randomly selected from this universe and volunteered to participate in the research. In the study, data were collected with the Leadership Behavior Description Scale and the Job Satisfaction Scale. The data were analyzed in the SPSS 28.0 package program. In the study examining the relationship between the leadership behaviors of school principals and the job satisfaction of teachers, gender, marital status and professional experience variables were discussed. As a result of the analysis, no significant relationship was found between the gender variable and the sub-dimensions of leadership behaviors and sub-dimensions of job satisfaction. It was observed that there was no significant relationship between marital status and the sub-dimensions of the leadership behavior scale and job satisfaction. On the other hand, it has been determined that there is a positive and significant relationship between marital status in the total of the leadership scale. In this case, it can be said that the perception of leadership behavior of married participants is higher than that of single participants. As a result of the analysis, no relationship was found between professional seniority, leadership behaviors and job satisfaction. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that leadership behaviors affect job satisfaction statistically. In this case, it can be said that the leadership behaviors exhibited by school principals affect teachers' job satisfaction.
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