TOJNED - Volume 14 - Issue 4 - October 2024
Samuel-Alewa M. Felicia, Grace O. Momoh, Yakubu A. Mallum, Misauno M. Ayedima, Augustina I. Anakwe
This study investigates the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in enhancing the emotional well-being of individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS-related cancer at Jos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. Psychosocial well-being, encompassing self-acceptance, purpose in life, and healthy relationships, was assessed using Ryff’s Psychosocial Wellbeing Scales. A true experimental design involved 140 participants randomly assigned to experimental (CBT) and control groups. Pre-test and post-test comparisons revealed significant improvements in self-acceptance, purpose in life, and healthy relationships among the CBT group compared to controls. Findings underscore CBT’s potential as a beneficial intervention for addressing psychosocial challenges in patients with dual diagnoses of HIV/AIDS and cancer, advocating for its integration into comprehensive healthcare strategies.
Morka Mogiso, Haramaya, Dawit Negassa, Garkebo Basha, Yirgalem Alemu
The major purpose of this study was assessing factors affecting early childhood education policy implementation in government preprimary schools of Hadiya Zone, Central Ethiopia Regional State. To achieve this purpose, qualitative method; particularly, phenomenological design was employed. From a total of 18 Hadiya Zone government administrative structures 6 were selected by using purposive sampling method. Those sampled government structures were Hossana town administration, West Badawacho district, Shashogo district, East Badawach district, Soro district and Amaka district. Data was obtained through semi-structured interview. From sampled government administrative areas, by using purposive sampling techniques six preschool teachers were sampled and participated in interviewing process. Accordingly, the results of the study have revealed that the awareness status of parents, primary school principals, management bodies, and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) in Hadiya Zone preprimary schools was found low. Lack of instructional materials, lack of school indoor and out materials, teachers’ skill and awareness gaps, parental engagement gaps, family educational income background are major factors that affects the implementation of early childhood education preprimary school. Furthermore, lack of early childhood education professionals, low stakeholders’ participation and support, lack of standard curriculum and lack of adequate budget and monitoring system of the program were the challenges identified in the study. Finally, it was concluded that even though the government ECCE programs were expanded to address the need of children from disadvantaged groups, they were serving these children with low status and lots of limitations. Thus, it is recommended that the government should give much emphasis for updating trainings programs, providing safe learning environment, allocating sufficient budget for the program, creating awareness for school stakeholders, and promoting family educational and economic capacity.
Mustafa KeleÅŸ, Azmiye Yinal
This study aims to examine the customer service and satisfaction levels of gyms in TRNC. The research was conducted using the relational survey technique, which is one of the quantitative research methods. While the population of the study consisted of the customers of the gyms in TRNC, a total of 360 customers were included in this study. The Sports Business Customer Satisfaction Scale (SIMMO) developed and accepted by SevilmiÅŸ (2015) was used to assess customer satisfaction. The analysis of the data was examined at the reliability level using SPSS 26 program.
According to the results of the research, when the sub-dimensions of the SIMMS were analyzed, it was observed that the quality of sports trainer’s dimension received the highest average score in customer satisfaction. On the other hand, the management sub-dimension of the sports center quality dimension received the lowest average score. There was no statistically significant difference between the sub-dimensions of SIMMS according to the gender variable. As a result of one-way variance analysis according to the age variable, no significant difference was found between the groups. As a result of the T-Test conducted according to the marital status variable, no significant difference was found between the groups. Significant differences were found in some dimensions according to the educational status variable. In the management and equipment sub-dimensions of the sports center quality dimension, the quality of the working environment and the commitment sub-dimension of the satisfaction dimension, the scores of high school graduates were higher than those of university graduates. As a result of one-way variance analysis according to the monthly income variable, no significant difference was found between the groups. Significant differences were also not found in the analyzes conducted according to the variables of duration of gym use and purpose of use.
Hayrullah Aytekin, Azmiye Yinal, Burak Demir
This study was conducted to understand and evaluate the attitudes of school administrators in TRNC towards 21st century skills. In the study, quantitative research method was adopted by using relational survey model and administrators working in schools in TRNC were determined as the population. The sample was selected by simple random sampling method and included 105 administrators. The data were collected using a personal information form and the "21st century skills scale for educational administrators". According to the results of the study, school administrators generally exhibit a high attitude towards 21st century skills. Especially in critical areas such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, learning and innovation skills, high scores were obtained. However, it was determined that the level of awareness should be increased in areas such as information literacy, media literacy and technology literacy. In the gender analysis, it was found that female administrators' attitudes towards life and professional skills were generally more positive. However, no significant difference was found between genders in other skill categories, indicating that school administrators' attitudes towards 21st century skills are similar in terms of gender. Although there was no significant difference between age groups in general, it was observed that younger managers scored higher in the categories of learning and innovation skills and self-management and initiative taking. This may suggest that young administrators have a positive attitude towards creativity, innovation, and learning. These findings provide important information that can be used as a tool to assess school administrators' attitudes towards 21st century skills.
Cemre Bekir Mahmutlar, Åženay Mahmutlar, Feyman Aptula
The main purpose of the study is to determine the coping strategies of teachers working in teaching Turkish as a foreigner language with the conflicts they encounter in the classroom oath their attitudes towards these conflicts . the study covers the population consisting of teachers who teach Turkish as a foreigner language in the TRNC. the samples consists of 110 teachers who were actively involved in teaching Turkish to foreigner children in the TRNC in 2022. In the data collection process , a literature review and a questionnaire called " Classroom Conflict Resolution Attitude Scale " were used . this scale was developed by Duman (2023). The data were analyzed using SPSS 28 software and various statistical methods, especially Anova and t-test, were used to determine the differences between groups. According to the results of the study, gender did not have a statistical significant effect on teachers ' conflict resolution attitudes. Again , no significant change was found in conflict resolution attitudes of teachers according to the levels they worked oath their experience levels . however , when analyzed according to working experience , significant differences were found in the dimension of compliance attitude , and it was seen that the compliance attitudes of teachers with 6-10 years of experience were more positive _ these results suggest that intervention programs focusing on conflict resolution skills oath attitudes of teachers involved in teaching Turkish to foreigners can be aimed at experienced teachers , especially in the compliance attitude dimension.
Bahaa Alarameen
This study aims to examine the perspectives of teachers on the use of technology at the English Preparatory School at Cyprus International University (CIU). Six teachers from CIU’s English Preparatory School were interviewed. The data were obtained through qualitative research, and thematic analysis method was used to analyze the teachers’ perspectives. The findings revealed that the participants generally hold a positive perspective towards integrating technology tools in their classrooms. The teachers mentioned some challenges and technical issues they face, such as the slowness of some tech devices and problems with the speed of the internet. They also mentioned things that could be improved. Regarding AI tools, the teachers said that it is possible to integrate AI tools into the teaching and learning process, with some limitations that do not give direct answers to the students. Additionally, this study discussed the role of robots in education, and the findings showed that the majority of the English Preparatory School teachers believe that robots will not take over their jobs in the future.
Olcay Kara
Leadership characteristics of managers are important for the organisation to achieve its goals and to provide competitive advantage. The employees of the organisation become individuals who benefit the organisation by following the path shown by their leaders and believing in them. Another important factor in achieving the aims and objectives of the organisation is the efficient and effective management of human resources. Therefore, leadership characteristics of managers play an important role in the management of human resources. In this study, it is aimed to examine the importance of managers' leadership characteristics in human resources management according to the views of employees. In line with the research purpose, the research was conducted with the participation of 18 employees in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The data of the study conducted with qualitative methods were collected with a semi-structured interview form. The data obtained were analysed with content analysis method. As a result of the research, it is seen that the employees indicate participative leadership characteristics such as motivating, role-playing among the leadership characteristics that managers are expected to have. In addition, it was concluded that human resources management should be supportive, fair and egalitarian in the light of these leadership characteristics.
Turgut Cenkciler, Azmiye Yinal
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between employees' burnout levels and their perceptions of organizational justice. In this context, the study was conducted with a quantitative research method called relational survey technique. The population of the study consists of employees working in any institution or organization in the TRNC between 10.08.2023 and 20.08.2023 without making any distinction between sector (private/public) and company; the sample consists of 304 employees. In the study, demographic information form, Organizational Justice Scale translated into Turkish by Yıldırım (2002) and Oldenburg Burnout Scale developed by Demerouti et al. SPSS 28 program was used to analyze the data collected in the study. The results also reveal that there is a weak positive relationship between exhaustion and process justice, a weak negative relationship between alienation and distributive justice, and a weak positive relationship between process justice and general justice. There was a weak negative relationship between general exhaustion and distributive justice and a weak positive relationship with process justice. These findings indicate that the perception of process justice increases with increasing level of exhaustion, the perception of distributive justice decreases with increasing level of alienation, and the perception of general justice increases with increasing level of process justice. However, no significant relationship was found between general justice and general exhaustion.
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