9 TOJSAT-The Online Journal of Science and Technology

TOJNED - Volume 4 - Issue 1 - January 2014

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A Conceptual Analysis of Grade Span Configurations for 6-8 and K-8 Public Schools

David M. Clark, John R. Slate , Julie P. Combs, and George W. Moore

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Abstract: In this extensive review of the literature, we addressed the topic of grade span configurations and academic achievement as they relate to adolescents. We examined the historical trends of school organization to provide a context for understanding policies and decisions regarding grade span configurations. We also analyzed early studies regarding nonacademic student indicators and grade spans as background for more recent academic investigations. Two major school reform movements were discussed

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A Review of Physical Education Teachers’ Efficacy in Teaching-Learning Process


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Abstract: The aim of this research is to determine the efficacy of physical education teachers in teaching-learning process and to compare them in accordance with several variables. In this study, “Teacher Efficacy Scale”was utilized in order to examine the physical education teachers’ efficacy in the teaching-learning process. The research was carried out in the Spring Term 2011-2012 with 142 physical education teachers working in the public secondary and high schools in Turkish Republic of Norther

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Creating Teaching Materials for Students of Nursing with the Use of E-Learning Methods

Iwona Bodys-Cupak, Anna Majda, Joanna Zalewska-Puchała, Zofia Musiał

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Abstract: Background With the widespread introduction of computers and Internet access, distance education becomes increasingly poluar and is accepted as a form of supplementing or replacing traditional teaching methods. Changes in education systems and socio-technological transformations have affected various areas of life, especially the education process. Development of information technology offering interactive software multimedia for education, obliges academic teachers to create courses provided through e-learning. One of the most important stages of e-learning involves developing educational materials, as the quality of prepared and presented content should be reflected in the students’ knowledge. Aim of the study The aim of the study is to present a way to create and use educational materials for e-learning methods of teaching.Materials and method The educational tool in the form of a "virtual case of a patient with bedsores" developed as part of teaching materials using e-learning is the result of the authors’ own conceptual work and a review of available scientific literature on the creation and practical use of distance education tools.Results The educational tool in the form of "a virtual case of a patient with bedsores" was prepared using the CASUS system for first-year students of nursing (full-time first-degree studies) as part of a lesson/course unit concerning the care and treatment of bedsores on the basis of content tailored to the requirements of the curriculum for Fundamentals of Nursing. The tool's content concerned the problems of nursing care provided to a patient runs the risk of bedsores and a patient who actually has such lesions. ConclusionsSolving the problems of a "virtual patient" running the risk of bedsores and a patient suffering from such lesions made it possible for the students to learn about daily practice; it also encouraged them to acquire knowledge. Most of the students were satisfied with that method of learning. It was an interesting supplement to traditional teaching.

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English Language Learners and Intercultural Competence

Grisel Garcia-Perez, Karen Ragoonaden, Robert Campbell

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Abstract: This study explores the correlation between comprehensibility and intercultural development of Chinese English Language Learners (ELL) at a Canadian university. Students received 30 hours of an English language instruction which focused on developing linguistic and intercultural competence. The experimental design included a pretest-posttest procedure in order to compare the subject’s performance before and after instruction. A direct comparison between the scores on the comprehensibility pret

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Evaluating Images of the Environment for Educational Use: Exploring the Use of a Rubric Derived From Visual Information Theory

Vanessa L. Hunt, Debbie Smick Muthersbaugh, Anne Kern

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Abstract: This study explored whether a rubric based upon criteria from visual information theory and intended to facilitate selection of images for environmental education purposes would be robust among users of differing backgrounds. Five higher education faculty evaluated 40 images for the criteria of content, context, information density, and credibility of source. Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient was utilized to calculate internal consistency of user responses and findings indicated that

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Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) as a method of assessment of learning outcomes for students of Nursing

Kamińska A., Majda A., Ogórek-Tęcza B., Radwańska J.

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Abstract: Background: Traditional nursing education is based on the transfer of knowledge. However, education based on skills and competencies is focused not only on knowledge but also on professional attitudes and psychomotor skills. Such a notion of education provides for safe and effective nursing practice without the need of direct supervision. Its implementation requires the refinement of learning outcomes and the use of appropriate methods of assessment, e.g. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of a new method of assessment of learning outcomes for nursing students – a shortened OSCE as part of the classes in Fundamentals of Nursing.

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School Counselor Involvement and College Degree Attainment: A Quantitative Conundrum

Jason Kushner, G. Michael Szirony

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Abstract: One of the most salient protectors of individual and family economic growth both is achievement in the area of education. Higher education in particular can serve as a mediator for those who come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds or other roadblocks to success. In the United States school counselors provide substantial assistance to students regarding academic planning. In this study, data collected from the National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS) reviewed participants (N = 12,144) who sought assistance from school counselors in an attempt to identify factors salient to college degree attainment. Data were analyzed using Logistic Regression in an effort to determine whether school counselor involvement resulted in the prediction of successful achievement of postsecondary education. Results were mixed, suggesting the need for further research in this area

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Total Quality and Management Policies in the Education Process

Behçet Öznacar, Mesut Yılmaz

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Abstract: In this research, from Total Quality Management, in order to find out the convenience of sectors down to earth quality efforts, total quality management main principles context, the views of total quality management was argued. The studies about this topic have been examined with literature scan. Some findings have been reached in this research. Total Quality Management shows qualifications about organizational activities and improving efficiency. As a result of the analysis, “general quality” and “product/service quality” there are differences between the sectors. However, between “worker quality” and “customer quality” there is no reliable difference. Total Quality Management, produces the combination of classic and Neo-classic approaches. The particular efficiency values about classics and in the other hand agreeing on divisions particularly includes Neo- classic values such as, social responsibility, like people and focusing (Erkılıç, Soc. & Appl. 2007)

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Toward A Justice Oriented Education: An Analysis of Turkish Education from a Rawlsian Perspective

Rasit Celik

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Abstract: It is argued that a narrow overlapping consensus on education may allow applying a politically liberal account of justice oriented education in a developing democratic society. In this regard, this article examines whether there is a narrow overlapping consensus on education in Turkey

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What Makes Them Still Tick? A Study of Job (Dis) Satisfaction among Long Serving Teachers in Malta

Brian Vassallo

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Abstract: The paper seeks to investigate factors leading to teacher job satisfaction or dissatisfaction among a sample of 108 long-serving teachers in Malta. Literature on teacher satisfaction shows that teachers are increasingly dissatisfied with their work and this has prompted the researcher to delve into the concept to teacher job (dis)satisfaction among long-serving Maltese teachers by identifying factors affecting both phenomena. The researcher identifies the relationships which job satisfaction has with respect to a number of teachers’ characteristics such as age, teaching experience and sector of education. He also identifies the frequency of factors responsible for levels of job dis(satisfaction). A mixed method of investigation was used throughout the study. Results show that long-serving teachers derive great satisfaction from working with their students and from contributing to society. The study concludes by suggestions aimed at counteracting the effects of job dissatisfaction factors.

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