9 TOJSAT-The Online Journal of Science and Technology

TOJNED - Volume 4 - Issue 2 - April 2014

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An Online Breakdown

Hallstein Hegerholm

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Abstract: Focus of the study is how digital tools can make a change in flexible education. This is based on a case study of an educational situation in teacher training where a major tool of online teaching broke down. The students’ reactions in and after the breakdown situation are basis for the case study. The study shows some characteristics of flexible education, which can be of importance in the development of flexible learning. A sociocultural framework is used to explain processes of students’ knowledge building in different communities.

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Appraising The Role Of Educational Management In Initiating And Sustaining A Viable Health Education For National Security In Nigeria Tertiary Institutions

Yusuf Musibau Adeoye, Afolabi, F.O.

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Abstract: A healthy person is one who looks and feels well, has no illness or diseases and has enough energy for his daily work and contributes effectively to his immediate community and the nation at large. The government that pays lip-service to the health of its citizens is giving room to national insecurity. Thus health education which provides learners with desirable understanding and attitudes relating to individual and community health should be properly integrated into the curriculum of tertiary educational institutions in Nigeria. Educational management helps in initiating and sustaining a viable health education for national security in Nigerian tertiary institutions, through the formation of realistic and achievable goals of health education for national security; designing the curriculum; determining the number of learners to cater for and consequent number of academic and non- academic staff required including other resource persons in the community; mapping out measures for effective funding of health education for national security and how this programme should be appraised in order to ascertain the extent to which its lofty goals have been accomplished and identify possible challenges facing the programme with a view to ameliorating them.

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A Study On Environmental Awareness Of College Students In Relation To Sex, Rural- Urban Background And Academic Streams Wise

Neeraj Kumar Sharma

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Abstract: The pristine environment was so pure, virgin, undisturbed, uncontaminated and quite hospitable for all life forms to exist. Man for the first time in his entire cultural history is facing one of the most horrible problem i.e., of ecological crisis. Though the destruction of environment in the past may be excused from the point of view of ignorance but it can’t be now. Therefore the environmental education is socially more relevant today than the past. There is a urgent need for new approach to environment which cuts across barriers of class, color, creed and nationality. Everybody has to contribute its share for protection of environment before it is too late. In the present research paper an attempt has been made to assess the environmental awareness of students of Govt. Degree College Dharamshala Himachal Pradesh (India).

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Black Student Performance on Advanced Placement Exams: A Multiyear, Multistate Comparison

Carolyn M. Davis, John R. Slate, George W. Moore, Wally Barnes

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Abstract: In this investigation, we analyzed the overall performance of Black students on Advanced Placement (AP) exams in three states (i.e., Texas, New York, and Florida) for the past 16 years (i.e., 1997 through 2012). For all 16 years, statistically significant differences were present as a function of state residency . Black students in New Y ork outperformed Black students in Texas and in Florida on AP exams for all 16 years. As such, equity was clearly not present in the overall AP exam performance of Black students. Furthermore, the majority of Black students’ AP exam scores were failing scores, such that no potential for college credit was present. Implications of our findings are discussed.

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Correlations among interpersonal attachment style, ambivalence over emotional expression, and depressive tendencies in T aiwanese university students

Pai-Lu Wu, Hui-Ju Wu, Shu-Feng Tseng, Fang-Chi Chian

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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore correlations among various interpersonal attachment styles, dimensions of ambivalence over emotional expression, and depressive tendencies in first-to-fourth-year Taiwanese university students. The study included a total of 925 research subjects. The research tools used included a scale measuring interpersonal attachment styles, a questionnaire addressing ambivalence over emotional expressiveness, and a scale measuring depressive tendencies. The results revealed that (1) higher levels of insecure attachment were associated with more ambivalence over emotional expression, (2) higher levels of insecure attachment were associated with higher scores for depressive tendencies, and (3) higher levels of ambivalence over emotional expression were associated with higher scores for depressive tendencies.

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Diversity and Gender Trends in Texas Community Colleges

Renee M. Fauria

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Abstract: Diversity and gender trends of community college students in Texas from the 2000 to 2011 academic years were explored. Archived data retrieved from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) were evaluated to determine the extent to which differences were present between ethnic groupings and/or gender across these academic years. The largest ethnic changes were present for Hispanic and White student groups. Hispanic enrollment increased by 13% whereas White matriculation decreased by 19%. In addition, gender differences remained static with more females than males attending community colleges. Policy implications for community college leaders are discussed.

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Effect of Metacognitive Strategy On Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Method To Enhance Biology Achievement

G. Jayapraba, M. KANMANI

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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine how the adoption of metacognitive strategy in jigsaw cooperative learning method influences students’ achievement in Biology. The study was carried out by following pre-test post-test experimental design with one control group and one experimental group. To guide this study, six hypotheses were stated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. A total of 70 students from Municipal Higher Secondary School, Tamilnadu, India were used as sample for the study. The tools Metacognitive Strategy Model on Achievement in Biology, Biology Achievement Test (BAT), Attitude Scale Towards Learning Biology (ASTLB) and Home Environment Inventory (HEI) were developed, validated and used. The results suggested that instruction in the metacognitive strategy improve the students’ biology achievement.

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Integrating Writing Into Mathematics Clasroom As One Communication Factor

Ali Bicer

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Abstract: Students in mathematics classrooms are expected to communicate not only using algebraic and geometric language, but also using other language modes to be able to share explicitly their mathematical thinking with others. Research has revealed that only high-achieving students are able to communicate by using algebraic and geometric representation. Recently, writing in mathematics classroom has received increased attention. The present study focuses on integrating writing into the mathematics classrooms by constituting a mathematical communication model. Data were obtained from 229,967 7th grade students who took the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills high- stakes test in the areas of mathematics and writing. A second-order Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to create mathematical communication model. The fit indices showed that the model was a good fit for the data.

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Learning in culture and culture of learning: Socio-psychology of Chinese students’ learning behaviours

Kosheleva E.Yu. , Pak I.Ya., Chernobylsky E.

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Abstract: Chinese education model has two basic components. First, it is Confucian beliefs about society that allow for the formation of such character traits as respect for a teacher, hierarchy of societal structure, importance of keeping face. Second, it is specifics of Chinese education system, which focuses on rote memorization and aims at teaching to the test. These specifics must be taken into consideration when working with students from China. The current paper focuses on the analysis of learning behaviors of Chinese students as well as historical, political, economic and cultural aspects that influence these behaviors. Recommendations for teaching practice when teaching foreign languages to Chinese students are provided.

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Music and Student Performance: A Conceptual Analysis of the Literature

Robert Horton, Rebecca M. Bustamante, Stacey L. Edmonson, John R. Slate

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Abstract: Related topics to music and student performance that have emerged from scholarly research will be discussed in this article. Specifically, the field of study that involves how the physiology and neurology of the brain is affected by music will be explored. The effect of music and musical training on emotion and cognition will be examined, with Brofenrenner’s (1979) ecological systems theory and Bandura’s (1986) social cognitive theory utilized as theoretical frameworks to provide a context for music and student achievement. Specific to this article, the history of standardized testing, as well as standardized testing in Texas, will be considered. Studies will be described in which race and gender were identified as mediating factors in academic achievement. Because the focus of this article is related to how musical training in a public high school might affect or improve academic achievement, the music curriculum in Texas public schools will be overviewed. This review also includes a brief discussion of the history of public school music in the United States, as well as a description of Texas public school music courses. Finally, extant studies of the impact of music education on academic achievement are reviewed. This article concludes with a description of gaps in scholarly literature, which may be addressed by future research.

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On The Information Literacy Of College Language T eachers Under Information T echnology Environment

Rukiya Muhammad, Zhang Huanxiang

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Abstract: Nowadays, teachers’ information literacy has become a key factor in foreign language teaching. Information literacy of foreign language teachers includes four aspects: information awareness, information knowledge, information competence, and integration competence. The questionnaire is designed to investigate the current situation of information literacy of foreign language teachers. It is distributed among 244 college English teachers in 16 universities in China. The findings show that on the whole, college English teachers’ information literacy is at a low level. This hinders the effective use of information technology in foreign language teaching. It is necessary for foreign language teachers to improve their information literacy under the technology-based environment of foreign language teaching. Practical suggestions are put forward from the following aspects: foreign language teachers’ learning; construction of foreign language resources; preparation for courses with the help of information resources; classroom teaching practice and supervision of students’ homework in autonomous learning.

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Peer Advising System: Collaborative-Reflection- in-Action Model of Professional Development

Young-Kyung Min

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Abstract: Drawing on data from a writing program at a large mid-western university in the US, this article examines the influence of a peer support group on new teaching assistants’ development and socialization as writing instructors during their first year of graduate school. It illustrates how new instructors’ guided participation in the collaborative reflective practices—the process of sharing the stories of their teaching while developing their own pedagogies and revisiting their experiences with their peer advisors and group members—becomes a focal element of their development as writing instructors in their first year of teaching in the program. Elaborating on the effects of collaborative reflection training on new graduate students, the article also illustrates how a peer advising system can build a collaborative teacher culture, which can ultimately build a collaborative school culture.

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Perspectives Of Teachers Woring In Trnc Education Institutions And Supervisors Of The Ministry Toward The Current Supervision System In Trnc

Lütfiye FEDAİ

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Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the point of views of the teachers who work in Secondary Schools and the auditors in the National Education Supervision Assessment and Steering Committee, on the Control System which is still used in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and to offer solution for the audit system to be more effective and productive according to this data. With this aim the researcher, established the research in qualitative pattern, and asked open ended questions which are semiestablished in terms of the structure. In this context, the research was carried out by means of interviewing with 25 teachers who work in Secondary Schools and 15 ministry supervisors. In this study, four sub-problems are asked to understand the problem of ‘ Do teachers and ministry supervisors perceive the audit system differently?’ 1- Do teachers and ministry supervisors know the contents of the audit systems enough and think that it is transparent? 2- Do teachers and ministry supervisors believe that ministry supervisors have necessary competence? 3- Do ministry supervisors think that teachers have necessary competence and knowledge? 4- Do teachers and ministry supervisors think that the audit system is modern and it covers all its shareholders? Do they want to pass to multiple performance system? The findings obtained from the research state that the teachers are uncertain about the aims of the audit system and that they do not trust the assessment phase adequately. According to the research findings, the teachers are anxious about the aim and the practice of the supervision. The limitedness of the research is the low number of participants and that the findings do not represent the opinions of all the secondary school teachers who work in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The importance of the research is that this research contributes to other researches about the education audit system in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus which are not studied enough till now and this research offers suggestion about the future practice and rules on the education supervision of Ministry of National Education.

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Reliability And Validity Study Of The Assessment Of 6 Year Old Children’s Emotional Skills Test (Aces) In Trnc

Elif Ünal Bozcan, Müfit Kömleksiz

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Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to study the validity and reliability of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus sample of the Assessment of 6-year-old Children’s Emotional Skills Test based on the sample for Turkey developed by Schultz and Izard (1998) and adapted by Durmuşoğlu Saltalı, et al. (2009). In this context, the research is of descriptive nature. Samples for this study are 143 six year old children attending preschools in the Nicosia Municipality of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Ministry of National Education. 49.7 percent (71) are male and 50.3 percent (72) are female students. This test is composed of three sub-tests in emotional recognition, emotional comprehension and emotional expression. To test construct validity, “Principal Component Analysis” (PAC) method of factor analysis is conducted. Varimax rotation is used in factor analysis. By checking the factor load in the factor one item is a part of, and checking factor loadings in other factors, it was made sure that the factor load difference between each factor is at least 20. In terms of item analysis, item sub-tests, item-test correlations, item averages (item difficulties) and item standard deviation are calculated. Test and sub-test correlation coefficients are calculated. For reliability, KR-20 internal consistency coefficients are calculated. Consequently, when viewed the context of this study data we can say that psychometric properties of Assessment of Children’s Emotion Skills- ACES’ which validity and reliability made by Durmuşoğlu Saltalı and friends were not suitable enough. . In this test the validity and reliability ofthe other samples may be appropriate as assessed in a sample of T.R.N.C. In this sense, development of a new test for suitable culture may be helpful to fill the space in recognition, understanding and expression of emotions.

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The Effect of Personality Types on the Learning Styles of Agricultural Students

M.S. Ebrahimi

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Abstract: Learning styles play a vital role in education and teaching because it helps teachers with understanding how students learn. This study was directed towards the effect of personality characteristics on the learning styles of students. The statistical population of the study consisted of the students College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Tehran University in the 2009-2010 academic year (N=3859) convened the universe of the study, out of which 260 people determined as sample using Cochran Formula. A quantitative research methodology was used to conduct the study. The specific method chosen to investigate the research questions was a series of three paper form questionnaires. Majority of students had assimilator learning style and dimensions of personality treats including extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience and neuroticism, were in medium level. For the big five personality factors expect neuroticism, a consistent positive association with learning styles was found. Consequence of standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients indicates importance of conscientiousness variable for distinction between converger learning style and three other learning styles, the importance of extraversion for distinction between diverger and two other learning styles and openness to experience for distinction between accommodator and converger learning styles.

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The Efficacy Of Teacher-Parent Rapport On Bosnian Hıgh School Students’ English Language Skills

Ekrem Eroz, Azamat A. aAbarov

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Abstract: In education, the efficacy of teacher-parent rapport (interconnection) is of great importance in learner’s educational, social and private life. I think parents can play a pivotal role in fostering a very delicate and crucial relationship between the student and the teacher. Accordingly, family is a positive ignition in learner’s learning process at any given time. In this study, we set our sights on to research the efficacy of teacher-parent rapport on 32 Bosnian high school EFL learners’ competency in their target language. Add to that, we researched to decide the function of Bosnian learners’ families’ roles in education and to detect whether this rapport prompts the parents or not. In this study, we held a correspondence with parents by’ Smart School’ (e-school). It is called ‘elektroniski dnevnik’ in Bosnia. Smart School applications are primarily developed for the purpose of better informing parents, having in mind to be short, light and offer more accessible way to obtain information about the marks and the absence of their child. By way of addition, in our research, parents had ability to check grades online through the internet and we sent SMS messages. By these Smart School mails and messages, we daily informed parents about learner’s marks in exams and quizzes, projects, and the learner’s behavioral matters and absence or presence of their children. At the end of this study, we have found that daily interconnection and corresponding with parents can improve the learner’s English markedly. Especially home-visit of English teacher to student’s home was appreciated by parents. In parallel with, the high value that we have given to this rapport honored parents and prompted them.

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Turkish Version Of The Distance Learning Service Quality Scale (DLSQ): The Validity And Reliability Study


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Abstract: The aim of this research is to examine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Distance Learning Service Quality Scale (DLSQS; Shaik., Lowe. & Pinegar, 2006). The sample of this study consisted of 435 university student. The results of confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the 23 items loaded on three factors and the three-dimensional model was well fit (x2= 475.46, df= 217 p= .00, RMSEA=.052, NNFI=.95, CFI=.96, IFI=.96, and SRMR=.054). The internal consistency coefficients was .88 for the overall scale. The corrected item-total correlations of DLSQS ranged from .30 to .56. Overall findings demonstrated that this scale is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring individuals’ disposition to distance learning service quality.

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