TOJNED - Volume 5 - Issue 2 - April 2015
Gökçe Merey, Reha Metin Alkan
Abstract: Expansion of globalization triggered more people from various walks of life to demand university education, gave rise to the number of higher education institutions and popularization of international education programs. It is a requirement to analyze globalization, internationalization and the international opportunities all shareholders of higher education institutions can benefit in Turkey and around the world. Depicting the present situation, this study is a descriptive survey which involves the results of local and international studies on globalization, internationalization and international education. It also includes the findings of various articles, thesis and books published in different countries. In this study, the effects of globalization, internationalization and their impact on education are examined from educational, cultural and financial aspects. The second part of the study introduces the international opportunities in tertiary education and their application in Turkey.
Myriam Q. Khan, John R. Slate
Abstract: The extent to which changes had occurred in the numbers of Hispanic students taking the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards and passing this exam from 2-year higher education institutions between the 2004 and the 2011 academic years was examined. Statistically significant increases were yielded in the average number of Hispanic students taking the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards between the 2004 and the 2011 academic years, from 7.17 to 17.83 students, and in the average percentage of Hispanic students passing the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards, from 80.46% to 99.56%. These numbers are indicative of improvements with respect to Hispanics being able to enter the teaching profession. Implications of these findings are discussed.
Dr. Ela Goyal, Dr. Suhas Tambe
Abstract: Educational methods have become advanced and changed dramatically in the last decade. The revolution in communication technologies, especially after the invention of the internet, has introduced new methods of teaching and new ways of managing education. Various Learning Management Systems, such as WebCT, Black Board and Learning Spaces are now available for these purposes. Both open source and commercial versions of these LMSs offer combined services such as creating learning material online and its distribution, facilitating communications between various users etc. The availability of Learning Management Systems has enabled stakeholders in creating a platform that aids in web-based teaching in a convenient and flexible manner. The present investigation is a quantitative study to analyze the effectiveness of the open source LMS/CMS (Course management system) MOODLE (Modular Object Orientated Dynamic Learning Environment) when used by the faculty and students of a private Business School in India teaching niche programs. The aim of this evaluation was to analyze the user-experience of employing MOODLE and also the benefits and barriers towards its use. The results of the study would be useful to the institutions trying to integrate technology in their teaching and learning processes.
Associate Professor Dr. Kavita Sharma
Abstract: In its endeavour of Universalisation of Elementary Education, India has succeeded widely in terms of enrolment and access; however, retention remains a challenge as quality of education is a huge concern. The policy directives under National Policy on Education (NPE) 1986 and Programme of Action (POA) 1992 require that the essential levels of learning be laid down and children’s achievement should periodically be assessed so as to keep track of the progress towards the NPE goal of ensuring that all children achieve essential levels of learning. Various initiatives under curricular and assessment reforms as mandated by the Right to Education (RTE) Act have been rolled out by the States in order to address quality issues and improve learning outcomes. Since there is a shift in the national curriculum frameworks developed subsequent to NPE-1986, the article is an attempt towards understanding this shift on these essential levels of learning/learning outcomes and their potential use to tap quality in children’s learning.
Sunyono, Leny Yuanita, Muslimin Ibrahim
Abstract: This study was conducted to obtain students mental models after learning using multiple representations. The application of learning based on multiple representations is carried out through the interconnection between the three levels of chemical phenomenon (macro, sub-micro, and symbolic). The research samples are taken from the 2011 year of Physics Education (3 class) randomly selected from 8 available classes. The number of students from whom the samples were taken is 96 students. The students mental model is confirmed through the procurement of essay test questions encourage them to think at the three levels of chemical phenomenon. The results of this research show that the students mental models towards chemistry reaction stoichiometry was mirrored in various questions from the interpretation down to the verbal-to-symbolic transformation and verbal-to-visual transformation (sub-micro diagram) and vice versa. Findings indicated that macro–submicro– symbolic teaching by used multiple representation method could be enhancing student mental models and learning effectivity of chemical reactions. It indicates that there has been a statistically significant change on the students mental models after multiple representations learning method was implemented.
Shree Prasad Devkota1, Shiba Bagale2
Abstract: The paper illustrated social exclusion and deprivation in society. How social exclusion creates isolation and revents people from taking part in the society. Education is the key instrument to bring positive changes and justice. Equity and social inclusion is prime for justice. Marginalized and deprive people bring in to the mainstream of development social justice. Fair policy of state and its proper implementation can reduce social exclusion. Formal and informal education empower marginalize people and push them for their basic right. Well being is not only that is valuable but also key for achievements, freedom and rights. Deprive people advantage is education awareness and the access to right followed by social inclusion.
Jeff L. Quin, Ed.D, Aaron R. Deris, Ph.D, Greg Bischoff, Ed.D, James T. Johnson, Ph.D
Abstract: Educational institutions across the nation are being unsuccessful at meeting academic goals set by the states and preparing students to be college and career ready. Many schools around the globe are suffering from a shortage of experienced and competent school leaders that can bring about positive change and increase student achievement. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the correlation between leadership practices, school culture, and student achievement in an effort to build the capacity of principal leaders. A correlational design was used to determine the relationship between principal leadership practices, culture, and achievement in elementary, middle, and high schools. A total of 216 teachers in 31 schools completed the Leadership Practices Inventory and School Culture Survey. A significant correlation was found between (a) leadership practices and school culture and (b) school culture and student achievement. No relationship was established between leadership practices and school culture. The results implied that school leaders who use transformational leadership practices indirectly impact student achievement through creating a positive school culture. It is recommended that principal preparation programs revamp leadership curriculum to develop leaders who can create positive school cultures and manage reform efforts.
Rosanna Tammaro, Vincenza Merlino
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to discuss on the importance of the “observation†within the teaching/educational contest. The “observationâ€, borrowed from the experimental science, represents an integral part of the action of the teachers/educators, being one of the milestone of the professionalism of the people working in the educational field. Starting from the general definition of “observation†the features of its relevant reference elements, such as typologies, technics, instruments and paradigms, were outlined. Within the teaching/educational procedure the peculiarity and criticality concerning to the use of the “observation†were discussed, as well as the key results, able to improve, by means of the “Observationâ€, the teaching/learning process were highlighted. In conclusion the use of the “observation†as instrument to reduce the gap between theory and experience in order to create a virtuous network between experience and research is strongly recommended.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rabije Murati
Abstract: Realization of educational work in schools is complex activity. The difficulties of achieving educational work in schools stand in the fact that education is a category that refers to human - individuals. Starting from the fact that each individual has its own peculiarities which differ from one another then, the educational approach is different for everyone and is implemented differently. The teacher is the one who has the leading role in the realization of educational work in school. The teacher as an important factor in the realization of educational work is analyzed in several dimensions. From his professional development in relation of individual change as professional and educational protagonist also in the dimension of changing the schools as an organized educational institution. This makes us know that our problems or attention focuses on: the teacher as personality, teacher to student attitude, style and his way of working, strategies and methodology that everages teaching or teacher selects his educational work education ....Therefore his professional and moral preparation level should be pleasurable so that he can successfully accomplishes its work. If we could look at the development of the school and the teachers role in historical terms, we see that the function and the role of the teacher has changed as society has changed, along with the running of the school.
Doreen Vikashni Chandra
Abstract: This paper critically reflects on the issue of child poverty and its impact on the holistic wellbeing of children in New Zealand. It highlights the importance of looking into the diverse educational needs of children in early childhood education. It explains how social inequality, oppression, hegemony and discourse of power contribute to child poverty in New Zealand. Furthermore, possible effects of poverty are identified and discussed in relation to the tenets of hauora through Durie’s (1994) Whare Tapa Wha model of mental health.
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