TOJNED - Volume 5 - Issue 3 - July 2015
Asst. Prof. Dr. ErgunDemirel
Abstract: The role, vision, mission, objectives and tasks of universities are changing to meet the new requirements of society in the 21st century. Although education is the primary mission of universities, application of science and technology in support of businesses and industries has become quite important as well. The innovation which is the driving element of the economy also shapes the structure of the universities. Although some major changes have been made in the organization and management systems of the universities in the last quarter of the 20* century, most of the universities are still insistent to keep their orthodox structure. This study aims to investigate possible organization and management systems approaches to balance the education functions of the universities with other challenging missions in particular the research activities in support of the economy and society.
Rebecca M. Giles, Andrea M. Kent
Abstract: This article examines how elementary (K-6) preservice teachers (n=34) perceive writing and themselves as writers. Results may indicate limited experience discussing and/or sharing their writing with classmates and peers throughout their education for the purpose of honing their craft as writers. By better understanding the role of preservice teachers' attitudes about and experiences with writing, teacher education programs can assist preservice teachers in developing healthy attitudes toward writing. Improved teacher attitudes could potentially improve classroom writing instruction as well as elementary students' attitudes towards writing and views of themselves as writers.
Lauren Shure, Shana Ritter, Renae Azzız, Ed.S., Russell Skiba, Cassandra Cole, Laura V. Middelberg, Adam Sheya
Abstract: Racial and ethnic disparities, including disparities in discipline, are pervasive and long standing (Ladson-Billings, 2006; National Research Council, 2002; Skiba & Rausch, 2006; Wald & Losen, 2007). Research has shown culturally responsive (CR) practice to be an important strategy in addressing the disproportionate representation of culturally and linguistically diverse students in achievement and discipline (Klingner, Artiles, Kozleski, Harry, Zion, Tate, Durân & Riley, 2005; Vincent, Randall, Cartledge, Tobin & Swain-Bradway, 2011; Voltz, Brazil & Scott, 2003). CR practice emphasizes the importance of understanding the impact culture has on both academics and social behaviors at school. This paper reports upon a mixed methods approach used to develop two paired tools designed to describe and assess the implementation of CR practice at four public K-12 schools, the Cultural Responsiveness Assessment (CRA) and the CR Walkthrough. Results of this study indicate that when used together, these tools provide information useful to assist school leadership teams in reflecting upon CR practices being implemented at their schools and developing action plan goals and strategies to improve CR practice.
Kolawole, Taiwo Olabode, Abubakar, M. Bashir, Zaggi, Hilary.
Abstract: The empirical study investigated the issues surrounding emergency contraceptives and problems that characterized the use of EC among female students in tertiary institutions (Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria). The study primarily explores the knowledge of female students about EC, knowing fully that almost all the female students especially those that have engaged in pre-marital sex use it. Five (5) faculties were purposively selected for the study and a total of fıve hundred (500) female students were also selected for this study using accidental or grab sampling technique. The fındings of the study mainly revealed that the knowledge of female students about ECs was not too encouraging because they don't know what to use and are not always ready/prepared for the usage any time they want to satisfy their sexual urge but rather engage in EC any time they have unprotected sex with their partners. It means the health sector has quite a number of intervention stepsAvork to do in terms of seminarsAvorkshops, enlightenment, orientation and educating the students without which the attainment of the MDGs may be a tall dream in Nigeria and some of them may accidentally give birth to child that his/her father cannot be identifıed as a result of multiple sex partners and fınally, there will be continuity in the spread of STDs.
Brian Zoellner, Faiz Al-Rubaee
Abstract: For over fıve years, faculty from the University of North Florida (UNF) and regional school districts have collaborated to create unique learning opportunities related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics for gifted and high-achieving secondary students. Within these summer learning experiences, through either residential or day camps, campers worked with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics faculty in university labs and settings. The design and implementation of these experiences involved post-secondary and secondary personnel and engineering, science, education, and mathematics faculty across several colleges. The purpose of this paper is to describe the critical components related to building partnerships between and within post-secondary and secondary school systems.
Abstract: Error correction and its importance in the foreign language classroom have received considerable attention during the past decades. According to Corder (1967), correcting learners' errors is substantial in three different ways: First, they tell the teacher about the progress of the learner, and therefore what remains to be learnt. Second, they supply evidence of how a language is acquired and what strategies the learner employs in learning a language. Thirdly, they are indisputable to the learning process because making errors is regarded as a device the learner uses in order to learn. The present paper aims at highlighting fundamental background studies done in the fıeld of Error Analysis. It also tries to help EFL teachers and educators to become familiar with the most frequent errors committed by EFL learners and lead language practicioners to consider some very imporatant issues about understanding the signifıcance of Error Correction in the process of second language acquisition such as: how much correction should be made, at what phases the teacher should correct the error and how the teacher can correct the learner w,thout de-motivatmg h.m/her.
Feyzullah ÅžAHÄ°N, Faruk LEVENT
Abstract: Teachers are the leading people who are the most responsible for students' education. The nıethod and strategies that the teacher chooses influence the student's academic, cognitive and affective development directly. In each class, there are students whose cognitive qualities are different from each other. Gifted students differentiate from their peers in relation to their learning speed and perception capacity in terms of their potential when compared with their peers. The teacher plays a critical role in the development of inborn competent of these students having such qualities. The aim of this study is to examine the methods and strategies which classroom teachers know and use in the education of gifted students. The research population is composed of classroom teachers working in formal educational institutions within the borders of Tekirdağ city. Taken into consideration attainability, 177 teachers from 72 schools out of the research population were included in the study with the method of random sampling. In the research, interpretive sequential design was used as a model. The study was implemented in two phases. In the fırst phase, data were collected from teachers participating in the research on the methods they know and use in educating gifted students through a form made up by the researchers. In the second phase, interviews were implemented with 17 of the willing teachers participating in the fırst phase of the study in order to determine the method/ strategies they use in educating gifted students and the problems they encounter while using the method/strategies. As a device of data collection, semi-structured interview forms developed by the researchers were used. As a result of the research, it was discovered that the strategy which is the most known and used is "resorting to the supplementary reading sources". The problems they encounter while using the method/ strategies they know are crowded classes, too much workload, economical limitations in attaining materials and equipment, lack of knowledge and insuffıciency of in-service education. Keywords: Gifted student, classroom teacher, method, strategy, teacher education
Tan Shin Yen, Siti Hajar Halili
Abstract: This study explored the effectiveness on using of blog specifıcally WordPress in a literature lesson based on ASSURE model. A qualitative study was employed by the researcher and interviews were conducted with fıve secondary students in a Malaysian secondary school. The literature module used in this study was developed using the ASSURE model which acts as a guide for lesson planning and instruction which involves instructional technology. In terms of fındings, three key themes identifıed: (1) "I may not favor blogging, but it is benefıcial for my learning", (2) "I tend to self-reflect more than I constructively contribute", and (3) "Blogging opens my eyes to learning literature". With the rapid expansion of technology, the study provided wider implications and help institutions to understand which methods work best to develop course materials and techniques appropriately for students. Literature has always been regarded as an area too abstract and complex, resulting in its reputation of being a 'dry' subject for students. Nevertheless, given the proper guidance and conducive platform, students' literature response can be highly enhanced; the act of blogging can cater to such needs.
Saheed Jabaar
Abstract: This paper examines the sociological and philosophical issue of the relationship between education and society. It adopts conceptual, analytical and prescriptive methods to identify some weaknesses that need to be overcome in Nigerian education for it to adequately serve as an instrument for national transformation and development as envisaged in the Nigerian National Policy on Education. For any national transformation agenda to work, moral education of the citizens cannot be left to chance. Therefore, an integrative approach to moral education is suggested for formal education levels. This is to be complemented with modeling and behaviourists approach in the larger society. While education may not be expected to transform the society in a drastic manner because it is part and parcel of the society it seeks to transform, all hands must be on deck to reposition it to produce moral human bemgs who can pos.üvely .mpact on the.r socety
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to exhibit the mathematical diffıculties and concept error committed by students while solving the mathematical problems, which are not suffıciently known, recognize or aware by the teachers. In this present study Mathematics Diagnostic cum Achievement Test (MDAT) constructed by investigator was used to collect the data from a sample of 900 class nine students belonging to eighteen English medium coeducation schools in union territory of Puducherry. Proportionate stratifıed random sampling technique was employed. Chi- square and Cramer's V contingency coeffıcient had been calculated. The fındings of the study show that there exist a remarkable association betvveen the extent of concept error and the selected demographic factors.
Dr.Jagannath K Dange
Abstract: Education is a lifelong process, which we get through learning either intentional or unintentional from Experiences and Experience leads to Learning and learning in turn leads to Education. Experience is the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities; the content of direct observation or participation in an event; something personally lived through or encountered. The practical wisdom gained from what one has observed, encountered, or undergone or felt. The present paper describes the newly developed step learning experiences model which comprises seventeen different learning experiences listed based on their abstract-concrete continuum. The different learning experiences in the step model can be chosen by the teachers wisely for their teaching-learning process by considering the content, level of students, environment, diffıculty level of the content and objectives to be achieved.
Assist.Prof. Dr. Vahid Motamedi, Farzaneh Badrpour
Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of some activities related to creativity of children. The population of this study consisted of Alborz center for intellectual development of children and adolescent. Fifty children (25 for experimental group and 25 for control group) were selected and classifıed into two experimental and control groups. Torrance creativity test was the instrument for collecting data. Considering the low age of participants, the number of questions and level of the test were lowered so as to be more understandable for children. In order to analyze the fınding, an independent t test was taken. The difference betvveen the mean score of creativity in experimental and control was signifıcant for the main hypothesis and the fırst two sub-hypothesis but the difference was not signifıcant for the third sub-hypothesis. The result of this study showed that the activities of creative show influence children's creativity. Keywords: Creativity, Innovation, Children, Adolescent
Bazarbayev Kanat Kaldybekovich, Gulzhamal Zhoraeva, Elmira Zulpiharova
Abstract: The article deals with the history of national-progressive movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries which is called "Jadidism". The history of Jadidism and its evolution from enlightenment to powerful political movement are retraced in the article. Jadidism became an alternative form of the intellectual renewal of Muslim society. The beginning of the movement was connected with the introduction of the phonetics, so called "usul-i jadid", method of teaching reading and writing instead of letter and syllabic one in maktabs and madrasas, that is a new method. The Jadids criticized religious fanaticism, required the substitution of obsolete religious schools for national secular ones, advocated the development of science and culture, supported the publishing of newspapers in the native language, the opening of cultural and educational establishments, which favoured the consolidation of the democratic forces of the society. Jadidism is considered as the phenomenal public occurence in the history. It arouse in the depth of the Central Asian society on the basis of a harmonious combination of a rich spiritual heritage and as realization of its place in realities of that time and the necessity of its reforming for successful prosperity in the future.
Abstract: Various researchers have concentrated on those errors which demonstrate the influence of one’s native language to second language acquisition. Some would consider them as inhibitory while others pointed out that they are facilitative. The present study shed light on another sphere of interference errors that occur in tri-lingual societies. The scope of the study was narrowed to focus on the role performed by the French language in the frequency of errors made by the Algerian students in their English as Foreign Language (EFL) learning. The study adopted a contrastive approach to discover whether this role is inhibitory or facilitative. The plain task was to give students a text to translate from French to English( version A) .The students were then asked to translate the same text from Arabic to English(version B).A chart was designed to compare the frequency , the type and the degree of severity of errors in both versions of translation. The analysis of the results in the chart showed that the students made less number of errors in the version (A) translation compared with version (B).Hence, the role of the French language in The EFL learning for Algerian students seems rather facilitative.
Peter G. Hughes Kumar Laxman
Abstract: Derived initially from a strategic analysis of children's methods of counting, the New Zealand Numeracy Projects used, as a starting point for the professional development of teachers, a strategy framework that traces children's development in number reasoning. A pilot study indicated the usefulness of professional development where teachers use the framework to determine the number reasoning of students in their own classes. Subsequently, as part of the professional development offered for the Projects, a DVD showing numerous video clips of students was produced to show teachers what range of number strategic thinking they might expect in their classes. In the next five years more clips were added and some edited out. This paper outlines how the video clips were incorporated into the initial stages of the enhanced teacher professional development model to enhance teaching effectiveness in using the strategic number framework, and how these clips are used in the pre-service education of student teachers at the University of Auckland.
Sirotova Mariana, Droscak Martin
Abstract: Value orientation has remained a valid issue of pedagogical theory. Along with other factors value preference significantly influences a human´s formation, his/her education and lifelong activity. It is therefore necessary to explore and based on the acquired knowledge to influence the formation of value orientation of children and adolescents also through the educational process of a school and through direct or indirect influence of a teacher. This article presents a quantitative view which subsequently allows for an adequate adjustment of further educational activity of a teacher or a school.
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