TOJNED - Volume 6 - Issue 3 - July 2016
It is undeniable that advancements in computer and networking technologies
have made a great impact on the education system. As a result of this, several terms
such as e-learning, online learning and blended learning (BL) have appeared. In recent
years, the use of web-based technology with face-to-face education has increased
greatly, particularly in the field of language teaching. This method, which is called
blended instruction, can be defined as combining classical in-class instruction with
online learning components. Students’ attitudes and experiences related to BL should be
investigated in order to create a more effective learning environment. The current study
aims to investigate students’ feedback about the effectiveness of the BL environment in
learning English at the School of Foreign Languages at Çukurova University. It also
aims to find out the problems, if any, the students came across related to the BL
environment and to present their suggestions to make it more beneficial. The data were
obtained from 65 participants through a questionnaire whose reliability was measured in
a pilot study by applying Cronbach’s Alpha analysis (.778).
Brian Vassallo
Leadership processes in Multiethnic schools provide particular challenge for
school leaders. The paper discusses the perceptions and roles of school leaders in the
light of literature review on multiethnic school leadership. The Maltese context is given
particular focus due to a number of factors which together form an intriguing but
challenging venture into what constitutes the roles which school leaders need to fulfil for
the efficiency of their school. The paper also delves into these roles are transformed into
actions which promote multicultural education. These are analysed in the light of
different forms of multiculturalism. The paper concludes that leadership in multiethnic
Maltese school centred on issues of equity and social justice which however lacked the
necessary critical lens to spur ways forward. The paper concludes with a number of
recommendations which will bring about improvement.
The educators and the teachers who will give environmental education to
children are supposed to have knowledge about the basic issues regarding the
environment, to be at a certain sensitivity level about the environmental issues, to
assume active roles in the process of reducing the environmental problems and, in this
acpect in their daily lives, to exhibit behaviours towards protecting the environmental
The teachers who have important duties and responsibilities in the individuals becoming
environmentally literate citizens are must be invorenmental literate individuals at the
operational level. The primary school period during which the social relations and
personalities of the children develop is very important. The classroom teachers
educating the children at the age of primary school being "environmentally literate" and
these teachers educating their students in this direction will be one of the components
contributing to the protection of the environmental values, creation of the awareness
concerning the environmental issues and eventually, construction of a sustainable
furture. In the research carried out with the classroom teachers at the primary schools
and depending on the basis of voluntariness within the scope of "the Survey for the
Invironmental Literacy of the Classroom Teachers", an environmental literacy survey
has been applied to 310 teachers.
Pınar Köseoğlu, Gamze Mercan
In recent years, smartphone usage has grown regularly and become widely
used in everyday life. The main aim of the emergence of the Internet is to facilitate easy,
quick, safe access to information. Smartphones can perform not only features of
ordinary mobile phones but also most operations that computers can conduct.
Smartphones are indispensable part of both business life and everyday life. The aim of
this study is to determine Hacettepe University Biology Teacher Candidates'
smartphone addiction and their ideas for smartphone usage in education. The study
sample consists of 91 students out of a total of 138 students attending the Department of
Biology Education in Hacettepe University. With a view to measure smartphone
Addictions, Smartphone Addiction Scale adopted into Turkish and validity and
reliability of which was analyzed by Demirci et al (2014) was used. In addition, within
the scope of the research, teacher candidates' views towards smartphone usage in
education were detected.
Reena Bala
In the light on the ancient times, there were prominent universities of
Nalanda, Takshashila, Vallabhi and Vikramshila which attract the scholars from all over
the world in the field of higher education. The first three modern universities were
established at Bombay (now Mumbai), Calcutta (now Kolkata) and Madras (now
Chennai) in 1857 on the pattern of London University. Although the growth of higher
education in British period was very slow. On the other side of scale, India has made
significant growth since independence in terms of institutions, volume of enrolment and
diversification of educational programmes. Higher education provides the capable
manpower trained in arts, science, medicine, computer applications, agriculture and
various technical and professional courses. At the national level, the number of
universities is increased by twenty one times from 30 to 642 during 1951-2011. Against
this, colleges increased by fifty times from 695 in 1951 to 34852 in 2011. This paper
attempts to analyse the existing scenario of higher education in India. The main
objective is to examine the spatial distribution of higher education among the major
states1 of India. This has been done to make a comparative study among the major states
in terms area and population served by colleges and universities and secondly to check
the influence of spatial distribution of higher education at gross enrolment ratio of the
Individuals' communication values through using technology have changed
substantially. While communication has simplified through technology, this
convenience has brought in a lot of negativity. Today's technological tools as mobile
phone, internet, computer and telephone has been involved in human life at very early
ages, and this has affected people without them knowing. They considered such use of
technological communication tools so naturally and, it has caused them to perceive as a
part of their life and culture.
It is considered that the technology's negative effects on individuals' behaviour like
anger and aggression causes the emergence of other problems. For this purpose, "
Assessment of Technology's Effects on Adolescent Aggression and Anger" is intended
for this study, which was applied to determine the opinions of students.
The population involved total 215 students studying during 2013-2014 and 2014-2015
academic year in a public school LefkoÅŸa Türk Lisesi and a private school Near East
College in TRNC, Nicosia.
The survey was carried out in order to create a situation assessment about whether the
use of technology on adolescents is effective on behaviour like anger and aggression.
This research is a "Relational Scan" model that is located within the general screening
models. It also is a descriptive study.
Whether the factors affecting the use of technology, which was attempted to determine
with quantitative research models used change according to the demographic
characteristics of students were examined in this study. With this aspect, this research
can also be called Comparative Case Study. For quantitative data obtained from the
analysis of data collected by survey and scale, SPSS 16 software was used and
correlation, T_ test and F test statistics were used. In the analysis, the significance level
was taken as p <0.5.
According to the obtained data, students' use of technological tools affects anger and
aggression. There is a significant difference between students' gender and their use of
technological tools. Also the use of technological tools is higher among the female
students than male students.
Online network technologies have begun to be used more in education
domain due to opportunities they provide. Social Network Sites (SNSs) have become
very popular and used as an educational medium. Within this perspective, the purpose
of this paper is to investigate Social Network Sites in general and microblogging
platforms in particular in terms of improving creative writing skills of EFL learners. For
the purposes of the research, an explanatory sequential mixed methods design was
employed. Quantitative data was examined through Social Network Analysis (SNA)
and qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis. Research findings revealed
that microblogging services, namely Twitter in this context, support creative writing
activities can be used as a learning platform for EFL learners.
Emerson A. Jackson
This article examined the scope and relevance of integrating technology in
Sierra Leone's higher education systems. It discusses the general scope of technology
provision in HEIs across the country, and the effectiveness of the National ICT Policy
in enabling effective delivery of targets like the Vision 2025 Plan to be achieved. The
article also considers the implications of technology integration, more so for national
delivery of effective pedagogic engagement and constraints faced by institutions in
being effective at making the relevant impact to their stakeholders. The article conclude
that integration of technology is an essential element for the effective delivery of
flexible technology-mediated curriculum to students across the country, with the
capacity for tutors / lecturers to identify differentiated teaching resources to cater for the
variety of students' learning needs.
Motivation represents an important issue in learning. Motivation in
learning a second language differs from more general motivation due to the fact that
second language learning requires acquisition of the four skills (i.e., reading, writing,
speaking, and listening), involves cultural background, and necessitates new
adaptations.The level of student motivation does not remain stable; demotivating factors
cause decreases in students’ motivation level. Thus, teachers employ motivation
strategies in the classroom to help their learners regulate their motivation, avoid states
of demotivation; thereby, help them persist in academic tasks. This study aimed to find
out teachers’ thoughts on and attitudes towards motivation strategies. Data were
gathered through a questionnaire on motivation strategies, and they were analyzed
through frequency tests. The findings suggest that teachers employ motivation
strategies; however, they need to take student perspectives into consideration while
applying the strategies.
Wasis Djoko Dwiyogo
The highest capability level in thinking and intellectual skills is problem
solving. This is to say that educational activities should be directed not only to increase
knowledge acquisition but also to develop the skill of problem solving. Problem solving
is defined as seeking ways out from difficulties and challenges. The process of problem
solving includes identifying problem, planning strategies in order to solve the problem,
determining the right strategy, implementing the problem solving action, and evaluating
the overall process and result of the action.
Mehmet Bilgin
This study compared Turkey’s counseling and guidance programs to those of
other countries to find the most relevant applications and training models. In recent
years, it has been observed that counseling and guidance practices that are considered as
more of a psychological help are given a training certificate. Every country has its own
different needs and problems according to culture that impact the results of counseling
and guidance. All of these different countries’ programs are generally influenced by
applications from the United States of America. Overall, this study examined
counseling and guidance applications developed in Turkey from the past and present
and made some suggestions about what the future applications might appear like,
considering developments and applications from around the world.
This study aimed to examine the views of university students studying in
different departments (Turkish language, music, science, social studies, preschool and
elementary education) of the Education Faculty of Pamukkale University in the 2014-
2015 school year on the effect of the Public Personnel Selection Examination (PPSE) on
social life. In the study, the "Open-Ended Question Survey on PPSE for Fourth Year
Teacher Candidates" developed by the researchers was used. The open-ended question
form was administered to the teacher candidates in their free time on a voluntary basis.
The data were transferred to the computer environment and exposed to content analysis.
The codes and themes were identified by both researchers. These codes and themes
were presented in tables and interpreted. As a result of the study, the teacher candidates
stated that in the process of preparing for PPSE, the exam negatively affected their
budget, communication with the environment, personal relationships and participation
in social life. In addition, they asserted that their levels of anxiety and stress increased
due to the pressure from their environment and families in this process.
S. Bezen, I. Aykutlu, C. Bayrak
In the research, knowledge and thoughts of the secondary school, ninth grade
students about the concepts within the subject of energy, were aimed to be described in
details. In this respect, the research was figured as a descriptive case study. As for the
participants of the research, they were consisting of 85 students who were students at
the ninth grade of three different Anatolian High schools in the city of Ankara. The
research data was gathered in the spring semester of 2013-2014, and the data was
gathered via the form of determining the thoughts of students about energy, at the
beginning of the research process, and at the end of the process via energy concept
form. The data gained by the research has been resolved by the descriptive analysis
method. Besides, in order to support the statements of the students in the research, semistructured
interviews were carried out with %20 of the students from each class. In the
conclusion of the research, it was revealed that the students had deficient and wrong
information about nuclear energy among the concept of energy, types of energy, energy
conversions and energy sources. It was determined that the students think, in terms of
energy, as comprehensive, difficult, related with all the subjects of physics, basis for all
the subjects, related to daily life, requiring the ability of interpretation, being difficult
also in primary schools, and an abstract issue.
The new contexts of education for the future implicitly include new
requirements for teachers. If we expect teachers to properly handle their demanding job,
its problems and constantly changing rules and conditions of its realization, they must
be well prepared. Compared with the past when a teacher in Slovakia used to be
perceived only as a source of information for pupils, today a teacher is required to teach
students how to find information, how to process it and utilize it in favour of his/her
personal development, to develop pupils´ competencies crucial for their future personal
as well as professional life and to positively influence behaviour and students´ conduct
in society. The article deals with the issues of pre-gradual preparation of teachers in
Slovakia. It introduces the models of pre-gradual preparation while specifically focusing
on the teachers of Slovak language and literature.
Jennifer D.E. Thomas, Danielle Morin, Dennis Kira
As part of a larger research project investigating different skills acquisition in entirely online courses,
students’ perceptions of their acquisition of various team-building skills, as developed through the use of various
activities and resources in an undergraduate Business Statistics course, were examined. The results indicate that
attention needs to be given to the development of these skills from these activities and resources. This has
implications for the design of course content delivered in a virtual or distance environment where team-building
skills are not easily fostered.
Michelle B. Aquino, Gladys B. Aviles, Joana Grace O. Carlos
The purpose of this study is to determine and explain the role of achievement
motivation and task enjoyment on stimulating an individual’s level of perseverance in
spite of unfavorable circumstances. The participants of the study are Psychology Majors
at Philippine Normal University enrolled on First Semester of Academic Year 2013-
2014; the study included both Sophomores and Juniors only. Across the four treatment
conditions, results indicated a high significant difference on task enjoyment while
achievement motivation does not appear to be a significant factor in stimulating levels
of perseverance. Statistical Analysis also revealed that because of its consistency, the
most effective treatment condition for stimulating levels of perseverance is Non-
Enjoyable I Can/ I Will. Implications for guidance and counseling and future research
are discussed.
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