TOJNED - Volume 7 - Issue 3 - July 2017
Ran HU, Qian WANG
In this descriptive qualitative study, the authors are two literacy professors at two different universities, one in
the United States and the other in China. Author 2 came to the United States as a visiting scholar and observed
and studied in author 1’s courses about reading instruction in English in the United States. Positioned within the
intercultural learning theory (Immetman & Schneider, 1998), transformative learning theory (Mezirow, 1991) as
well as Schön (1983, 1987)’s notion of reflective practitioners, the study reported author 2, the visiting
professor’s developing thoughts and perspectives on literacy instruction in China based on her observation and
collaboration with author 1.
S.M.Kosenok, Ph.D.Rasskazov, O.U.Muller, N.A.Rotova, U.E.Novikova
The structural model of methodological training of a teacher for working in the conditions of an inclusive
educational environment was reviewed, the conditions for its effective implementation were presented in details
and substantiated. We paid a particular attention to the basis of the methodological research strategy. Based on
the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the authors revealed the content and structural
components of methodological training of a teacher for working in the conditions of an inclusive educational
The objective: examination of the process, mechanism and conditions for effective methodological training of a
teacher for working in the conditions of an inclusive educational environment.
Method or methodology of work: pedagogical modeling.
The results: the creation of structural model of methodological training of a teacher for working in the
conditions of an inclusive educational environment and conditions for its effective implementation.
Application results: the pedagogical process in the educational institutions of research and educational cluster.
Dita Fischl, Haya Kaplan, Esther Cohen-Sayag
This study examines changes in feelings of school belonging and social engagement of Israeli-Ethiopian pupils,
linking them to achievement and inclusive-supportive school environment. The study brings forward the pupils'
voice, the home class teacher's assessment and the school's head master conceptions, on inclusion and support in
one elementary school in Israel. The school's environment is focused on social-emotional support, aiming to
promote achievement, by enhancing feelings of school belonging and social engagement.
Annie Mae C. Berowa
The present investigation draws inspiration from the research conducted by Gerald Nelson in 2005 on the expression
of futurity in Philippine English. In addition, this study aimed to provide insights on the dominant characteristic of
expressing future time in Philippine English. This variety of English was defined by Bautista (2000), based on the
term provided by Llamson in 1969, as “the variety of English spoken by educated Filipinos and is acceptable within
their group.” This English variety is now claimed as legitimate, institutionalized, and standardized variety as
expressed by Bautista. Moreover, Philippine English has produced its own features unique from any other varieties
of English which are products of innovation, deviation, and error. This research centered only on the three (3)
markers which are always treated as expressions of future actions in the English language: will, shall, and be+going
to. The author chose to concentrate on the forms the same as those used by Nelson to provide valid comparisons in
the results. The study made use of the future expressions as reflected on the online announcements from the official
websites of the five academic institutions and organizations in the Philippines. The researcher identified these elite
institutions and organizations as the source of data since they uphold academic excellence in the country, thus reflect
the current status of English language in the country. In addition, it is believed that they mirror the features of the
standard Philippine English variety. This study concludes that the preference of the Filipinos, generally, has not
changed since the work of Nelson. Similar to the previous study, there is a strong preference in the use of will in
expressing future time while the use of shall was also found to be rare or almost completely absent from the data
Zulfiqar Ahmed, Mariam Din
Teaching workforce plays a dynamic role in transforming societies but if recruited through inappropriate
mechanism it generates low quality education. Present research attempted to analyze existing system of
recruitment and selection in public sector schools of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan. Qualitative data of
various researches and selection practices of the world were analyzed. Two major policy documents were also
analyzed in view of quality and transparency. Findings revealed that there were many hindrances in fair and
meritorious selection of teachers. Ongoing selection was lacking proper policy, educational training,
accreditation, bias free selection, districts support, proper recruitment methodologies and effective selection
practices. Recommendations were proposed for establishment of separate human resource department with its
full infrastructure and autonomy within the region.
Rafiq Ahmad Kumar, Lokesh Verma, Kiran
The purpose of this study was to measure the self-efficacy among government higher secondary school teachers
in Jammu Division. It consisted of a sample of 300 teachers. For data-collection, self-efficacy scale by Arun
Kumar Singh & Shruti Narain was used. Multistage probability sampling technique was also used. The main
findings of the study showed that there was a significant difference among male and female teachers. Moreover
the results also showed that there was no significant difference among teachers in relation to their teaching
subject, qualification and teaching experience.
Furintasari Setya Astuti, Heri Retnawati
The aims of this study were to describe the number of students’ responses who agreed and disagreed with score
of national examination as one of graduation requirement, the existence of readiness, motivation, score of school
test, and score of mathematics national examination diversity simultaneously or for each variables, and which
group of students that has better readiness, motivation, school test score, and national examination score from
two groups. The method of this research is survey. Analysis technique in this study was using MANOVA and
independent samples t-test. The result of this study shows that there are 20.88% students with disagree response
and 79.12% students agree with policy that national examination score is not one of graduation requirement.
There were differences between readiness, motivation, school test score, and national examination score
simultaneously among two groups. Students with disagree response has better motivation and national
examination score, but they have lower score in school examination than agreed student.
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